2015 is slowly but steadily ending and this is also the time for me to reflect a little about the past year. One part of it is to bring back my memories of what has happend this year. As most people, I tend to remember rather well what was yesterday but my memories of what I’ve experienced in February this year tend to fade a way during the following months as so much is happening.
What I did this year is to go chronologically through my photos from January to December. By looking at all those pictures, the advantures as well as the normal things of every day life came back. Sooo much happened this year! And so many awesome things! What I did is to pick a single one photo for each month, that tells a little story. Sure, for some months it is kind of superhard to pick only a single one – key is not to worry too much about picking the right one but just make a choice and move on to the next month. So you end up with 12 photos that speak for your year… maybe you want to arrange them, make a little collage, get it printed… whatever you like… just recongnize and acknowldege how many great things have happened in your life in 2015.
Very cool idea! It’s not only a tangible way to simplify the happy memories throughout the year but a fun way to do it. Thanks for posting!
What a great idea! I’m going to do that. It’s so important to teach yourself to pay attention to all the good things in life! It can change your entire perspective on life.
I do this in a slightly different way, by writing down three small good things, which happened to me during a day. Not only does this keep me happy and aware everyday, it has also given me a great collection of happy memories to look back at during more difficult times. If you like, you can read my post about this here: http://changeyourtalk.blogspot.dk/2015/11/find-your-bright-side-of-life.html
All the best,
Julie 🙂
thanks for your nice words…. I am actually trying to form a habit around something very similar: tweeting 3 things that made me happy that day (#happy2day) for the very same reasons – reflecting about the good stuff brings me positive emotions